Why grow up?

Benefits of Getting Older | Stay Motivated

Why grow up?
Why grow up?

Sometimes we think that we were pretty good when we were younger, why did frustrated thinking about all this. But there are some benefits to growing up. If we know them, we can think of something positive. 

Why grow up?

• Getting older, we learn to assess the situation with a cool head and find ways to solve it. Without counting on or expecting help from others.
Relying on ourselves gives support, faith and confidence even in hard times.

• Maturity allows us to set priorities and refuses unnecessary things. Strong inner self-support allows us to do it quickly, without long deliberations and feelings of guilt or shame. Maturity also allows us to delegate some things. And that helps us avoid anxiety and fear that the other can't handle it.

• Maturity lets us assess our state of mind and signals that it's time to take a break. The inner core allows to take time for ourselves without remorse and fear of "What will people think?".

• The inner core together with maturity helps transform fears into resources, and negative qualities into helpful ones. 

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